These options are located in the Theme Options > Tracking Code tab.

You can add tracking code (e.g. Google Analytics) or any other arbitrary JavaScript code to the <head> section and/or above the </body> section of your site. Do not forget to wrap your code into <script> tag.

Tracking Code options (Fig. 1)

Tracking Code options Screenshot
Fig. 1. Tracking Code options Screenshot.


Tracking Code: Scripts in Header – Illustrated as A.  Paste your tracking code or any other arbitrary JavaScript code here. These scripts will be printed in the <head> section.  Insert the code in the Code field. Place the code inside of < script > tags. Above is an example code snippet added to the Theme Options.

Tracking Code: Scripts in Footer – Illustrated as B.  Paste your tracking code or any other arbitrary JavaScript code here. These scripts will be printed above the </body> section. Insert the code in the Code field. Place the code inside of < script > tags.